Hey everyone! Sorry again for the long delay between posts. I'm keeping myself far too busy. Above are some concepts I've been working on with a team from Switzerland on a game they hope to release in the near future. I'll be able to post artwork from it periodically and when there are more details I'll post that as well. For now though here's a little taste. All images are copy right to Eric Schwegler. Thanks for stopping by! More to come later. Take care!
Here are some of the background concepts for the same project as the characters below. Still working on the bottom one- its just at a very rough pass. All images copyright. Thanks!
Yeah! Finally a new post. These are just some characters I've been developing for a secret project, can't share details. I'm still developing the two male characters, but thought it would be fun to show the beginning process before the details. All images are copyright. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for stopping by.
Here's another project I've been working on lately. Again can't say much but its a fun project. I'll have more up soon. Image copyright Inverse Studios 2010.
Here's another project I've been working on recently. I can't say much about it and this is the only image I can post for it cause it doesn't give much away. Its in the very preliminary stages so its very hush hush. But hopefully later on I can post the rest of the work I've done on it. For now enjoy this little tid bit. Image copyright Geof Wolfenden 2010.
These are some character ideas for a new animated project I am going to be working on. The script is very heartwarming and the moral of the story is one everyone should take to heart: one person can make a difference. I'll post more info on it later, when I can. Thanks for stopping by!